Early bird registration for 2025 will open shortly. The process will be....
- Send an email application to Tim Spring to join the list of confirmed entrants. You should expect to receive a response within 3 days either confirming acceptance or, if all 64 places have been taken, advising your position on the waiting list. When all 64 seats have been filled, players will be added to the waiting list in the same order as their requests were received. If you don't receive a response from Tim (your email may have been blocked), call Tim on 0 7 8 3 6 7 6 2 7 8 8 or send an email message to Chris Purchase.
- If acceptance is confirmed, pay the £45 registration fee (£35 if you are a UKBGF member) within 14 days (payment details below). If you subsequently withdraw, the registration fee will be refunded after deduction of an administration charge of £10.
- Not later than 31 January 2025, decide which Tier you want to participate in (Thrift £30, Bronze £60, Silver £120, or Gold £240) and pay the applicable Tier entry fee (payment details below)
- Tier subscriptions may be upgraded at any time up to 2359 hours on the last Thursday before the tournament by (a) sending an email to Tim Spring notifying the applicable tier upgrade and (b) paying the applicable fee.
- On or before arrival on the Saturday of the tournament, choose which (if any) side-pools to enter. These are: £10, 20 and £40 for the Main, Consolation and 2nd Chance flights, for which you may enter one or any two adjacent pools; and £10 for the Last Chance. Side-pool entries may be paid in advance, by bank transfer (send an email to Tim Spring notifying the applicable pool entries) or, on the day, in cash.
- Payments of registration fees, tier subscriptions and advance side-pool entries should be made *only* to NatWest Bank, sort code 60-05-50, account number 25160516, account name Timothy Spring. Include your name as the reference and send an email to Tim Spring confirming how the payment is to be applied.
- The register of confirmed entrants, waiting list, tier subscriptions and side pool entries can be found here.
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